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2 Questions You Need To Ask Every Cash-Pay Patient

"2 Questions You Need To Ask Every Cash-Pay Patient"If you’re a physical therapist who wants to work with more cash-pay patients but struggle to differentiate yourself from other clinicians or your competitors, this article is perfect for you.  Anytime you treat a...

Overcoming The Fear Of Financial Conversations With Cash-Pay Patients

Overcoming The Fear Of Financial Conversations With Cash-Pay PatientsIf you’re a cash-based physical therapist and you struggle with talking about money or plans of care with patients because you feel bad about delivering this information, then this article is perfect...

What Is Stem Cell Physical Therapy

WHAT IS STEM CELL PHYSICAL THERAPY?“Stem cell rehab is a delicate balance between soft tissue healing and minimizing external stressors!”Stem cell therapy has been a subject of significant interest and research in the field of regenerative medicine. While it holds...

3 Things Every CrossFit Coach Wants To Know About Their Injured Athlete

“Think of the outcomes you could create in your community!”After working with multidisciplinary teams at the world’s largest events, I’ve seen the benefits of working with fitness professionals to manage athletes. Imagine collaborating with a strength and conditioning...

Why Barbell Athletes Are Different

“They want a step-by-step plan to keep them in the gym consistently”Injured barbell patients (CrossFitters, powerlifters, and weightlifters) are a different breed of athletes. While Instagram or YouTube would make you believe these athletes are looking for corrective...

When Joint Manipulation Goes Wrong: 3 Pro Athlete Case Studies

“Less is more and there is no need to be aggressive”Joint manipulation (or mobilization) is a great skill to use with athletes who are in pain and for those who need a little “tune-up” before a competition.  I’ve worked in professional sports and worked with pro...

“How To Accelerate Ankle Sprain Rehabilitation and Get Athletes Back On The Field in 6 Weeks”

“Each phase needs to be time-based and criterion-focused”“What should I do to get my 15-year-old high school soccer player back to sport in 6 weeks after a grade 1 ankle sprain? There are several components to managing this case and I wanted to share them. Most...
Why Barbell Athletes Are Different

Why Barbell Athletes Are Different

“They want a step-by-step plan to keep them in the gym consistently”Injured barbell patients (CrossFitters, powerlifters, and weightlifters) are a different breed of athletes. While Instagram or YouTube would make you believe these athletes are looking for corrective...


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